Monday 2 December 2019


His 2nd album is about to hit the stores! I can read the Hebrew and listen to it on the CD for the pronunciation. Shay became religious at the age of 12, and grew up in a traditional family. Argazim, Neshek and Shmor Al Ahemuna. I have a task for you. Inspired by this experience, in he released his third album, "Caravan", with the hits: Gabsos future as a musician seems promising, as his third album led him to become become one of the most interesting artists in Israel. shay gabso arim roshi

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The album was praised by the press and public for the evident changes seen in Shays afim and art form. A hit off the album, the song "Tagidi Li At" was written gabos Gabso and lieutenant colonel Yair Ben Shalom, the military commander of Liat; a soldier who was killed in in a terrorist attack.

Inspired by this experience, in he released his third album, "Caravan", with the hits: I thought you asked for one.

Arim Roshi

Now I'm going through new landscapes, The steps - they are becoming so slow. Can anyone write his own interpretation of the song? In ," Shay released Bimkomi", his sophmore album which he both wrote and composed.

shay gabso arim roshi

I'll have to watch for it and buy it when it comes out. I hope I wrim mess it up too much Now I'm going through new landscapes The steps - they are becoming so slow "What is there that is not here?

Arim roshi download

Shay worked on the album together with the band "Mirrors", which formed a strong bond with the band members and gasbo to the sound and strength of their performances. And my heart - it will cry out, where from will my help come?

Like a child, who is getting lost The palms of my hands stretch out, Asking for help to go on the journey with you. I have ariim task for you. I know it's not easy, but I also know you can do it!

I like the script and the way it looks and sounds. In Shay Gabso gbso discovered when he took part in the first season of "Kochav Nolad", the Israeli version of American Idol", where he reached the finals together with Ninet Tayeb. Have a look at the forum's topic and ask whatever you want to know And my voice - will be heard as a cry, as the prayer of men!

He performs together with Mirrors in a new performance containing the hits from the new album, along with his well known songs of his previous albums which were adapted in a way that serve them perfectly.

arim roshi - Lyrics and Music by shay gabso arranged by petitevivi95 | Smule

He studies at a yeshiva everyday and performs religious songs such as "Arim Roshi", and "Eli Eli". Afterwards Shay went through a long period of sole searching - living by streams in a caravan and then moving to Jerusalem, before finally returning to Tel Aviv.

shay gabso arim roshi

In addition to performing, Shay also studies acting, and writes books and scripts. Who is online Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 1 guest. His 2nd album is about to hit the stores!

shay gabso arim roshi

Oh that's exciting about his second CD! Look how you only had a few mistakes: WOW, except of a few tiny mistakes, the translation is just perfect! I just tried to rely on context and put all the words together so that they would make some sense Kochav Nolad whay the most viewed TV program in Israel at the time, and announced as the show of the decade.

Board index All times are UTC. Goshi you know how to read IPA?

Arim Roshi - Shai Gabso - UniLang

I can read the Hebrew and listen to it on the CD for the pronunciation. I'll raise my head - I'll raise my eyes toward the mountains far away! Gabsos future as a musician seems promising, as his third album led him to become become one of the shzy interesting artists in Israel.

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