Tuesday, 3 December 2019


And If you update your chip drivers to last version, maybe the problem is in CP. Please have a look on its overview: I may can help you. Hi Ayman thanks for your reply when you enter the Device manager onwindows and you get a list of devices on the computer the ethernet card has a yellow question mark and a sub menu of this 6GKAA00 card has a yellow question mark over it thanks barry. Hi there 6GKAA00 card for Step7 PLC connection with desktop PC with windows xp having problems connecting our PC with this card to the mother board after going into windows systems the card can be seen but with a yellow question mark over it have updated motherboards chipset drivers this never worked have swapped the into two other PCs this never worked is there any tests which can be performed on the card to indicate it is working could i use the PC adapter to usb. Ayman Elotaify Platinum Member Joined: 6gk1561-1aa00 driver

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Profibus Connector » 6GKAA00

Hello barry, Did you check according manual - CP A2 page 49? Follow us on Twitter Youtube.

Please install one of theis packages to use this CP. You can install its driver from Simatic Net. In this case, you must install the chip set driver for the mainboard.

I may can help you. Site Explorer Site Explorer.

6gk1561-1aa00 driver

Just install the requested software and it will work. Hi there 6GKAA00 card for Step7 PLC connection with desktop PC with windows xp having problems connecting our PC with this card to the mother board after going into windows systems the card can be seen but with a yellow question mark over it have updated motherboards chipset drivers this never 6gk1651-1aa00 have swapped the into two other PCs this 6k1561-1aa00 worked is there any tests which can be performed on the card to drifer it is working could i use the PC adapter to usb.

Product Support Services Forum mySupport. Hi Ayman thanks for your reply when you enter the Device manager onwindows and you get a list of devices on the computer the ethernet card has a yellow question mark and a sub menu of this 6GKAA00 card has a yellow question mark over it thanks barry.

Please have a look on its overview: And If you update your chip drivers to last version, maybe the problem is in CP.

6gk1561-1aa00 driver

Ayman Elotaify Platinum Member Joined: Wha about SimaticNet software? Thanks for getting back to me Aayman we are running aS7- programme to operate a winch and some other operationswith a display there is a pc toobserve and maintain the machinery and PLC units there was a problem with the computer so removed theprofibus card and popped it in another PC installed the seimens masterdrives software drived the profibus card 6go1561-1aa00 is not being recgonised by the new computer it was running windows but has since been upgraded to XP hoping this would solve the problem.

6gk1561-1aa00 driver

Hi there 6GKAA00 drlver for Step7 PLC connection with desktop Drivsr with windows xp having problems connecting our PC with this card to the mother board after going into windows systems the card can be seen but with a yellow question mark over it have updated motherboards chipset drivers this never worked have swapped the into two other PCs this never worked is there any tests which can be performed on the card to indicate it is working barry mcgowan.

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